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Avlaw 2023 year in review
The year certainly kicked off at a hectic pace in being retained to investigate the Sea World disaster and also consult with major companies including Airbus, QinetiQ and many others, and the pace did not subside as the year wore on.
Once again, we had a record year in terms of the number of BARS audits along with Government audit contracts with Victoria and the NT. We were also successful in securing major tender contracts in Indonesia and with the SA RFDS and even greater prospects for the future in partnering with EY in a major DFAT tender in the Pacific.
We also welcomed Melissa Tracey onboard as our new Office Manager in her graduation year from the UNSW. This short message will recall some of the other highlights during the year which we could not achieved without the efforts and dedication of every one of our consultants and staff.
We hope you enjoy the following summary of significant events for the year 2023.
Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) audits
The BARS Program continued to grow in 2023, with Avlaw Aviation Consulting conducting an increasing number of audits and new locations to the board. We saw some new faces join the Avlaw Aviation Consulting auditing team as we look to expand our reach outside the Asia-Pacific.
We undertook a head office evaluation by the BARS Program Office to ensure that our internal procedures and systems continue to meet the Program requirements.
This year we also attended the Audit Review Meetings in Brisbane, Australia and Paris, France to discuss important issues in the development and the growth of the BARS Program.
Take a look at our Avlaw Aviation Consulting Wrapped to see our (slightly humorous) BARS year in review:

Airspace and Construction
From waste management facilities 500m from the 16L threshold at Sydney Airport, to high-rise towers in the CBD, to warehouses on the boundary of the under construction Western Sydney Airport, the airspace and construction division of Avlaw Aviation Consulting was kept busy and on its toes with a wide variety of proposed development sites requires aeronautical impact assessments – see more here.
Aviation Expert Witness
The breadth of expertise in our network of consultants was exhibited on many fronts, particularly in the context of expert witness services we continued to deliver to law firms both domestically and internationally. The shooting down of Ukraine International Airlines 752 was one such matter which stood out this year, with Avlaw Aviation Consulting’s Director’s Prof. Ron Bartsch AM and Amin Hamzavian providing subject matter expertise with respect to SMS and risk assessments which was supported by other experts in aviation security and flight operations in hostile environments – see more here.
We used to say it’s not everyday someone rings up asking to build a helipad, but at times this year it certainly felt like that. From empty paddocks to rooftop helipads on-top of high-rise buildings, we certainly saw an uptick in interest in this space which was music to the ears of Aluminium Offshore who we work closely with and represent in Australia as their local agent – see more here.
We’ve acknowledged that our experts that consult within a specific discipline are not aware of everything else we do. For more on other projects we’ve delivered that don’t fall into any of the above “buckets”, click here.
We hope this review was of interest to you. While we eagerly anticipate the opportunities the coming year holds, we are also reflective of the work and milestones that have been achieved this year and in particular to the improved systems and processes that have been achieved under the guidance and direction of Ron and Amin as well as all the office staff – Fallon, Amalina and Melissa. The accomplishments we have achieved together is quite remarkable.
In closing we have to say that the loyalty and support of our clients, consultants and suppliers have been instrumental to Avlaw Aviation Consulting’s success, and we look forward to continuing to do more of the same next year.
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and safe Festive Season and here’s to an even better 2024!