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Avlaw Aviation Consulting Featured in BARS Newsletter

Avlaw Aviation Consulting is pleased to be profiled in the most recent issue of the Flight Safety Foundation’s Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) Newsletter.

The BARS Program creates a global safety standard aircraft aim to meet in order to achieve aviation safety. The model is risk-based, targeting the threats posed to aviation operations and linking those threats to control, recovery and mitigation measures. The Standard is adopted by commercial operators, governments and and humanitarian agencies.

The Program is specifically designed to help organisations with managing their aviation risk. It provides users of aviation support with the level of safety assurance required by their organisations.

We were fortunate to be profiled by the Flight Safety Foundation, who runs the BARS Program. We were one of the first companies to become an accredited audit company within the BARS Program in 2010. We completed the first BARS audit in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea in 2011. Since then we have completed almost 100 audits.

We are proud to have been recognised as a “respected provider of aviation consultancy services … backed by a team with knowledge, skills and experience across a wide range of disciplines including operations, airspace, maintenance, law, regulations, and safety”.

You can read the latest BARS newsletter here.